Sunday, September 26, 2010

Rodan the flying monster

After h bomb testing theres trouble in the deepest mine workers are disappearing minute by minute. Finly the killers showthem selfs there giant insects. a miner named shigeru kawamamura (Kenji Sahara) stops the insects by trapping them in a cave fortunately he gets trapped to. Inside the cave Shigeru see's tons of insects and a giant egg. the egg hatches and out comes a giant tranidon it eats up the insects as a snack after Shigru gets out of the mine he can't remember much but after he see's some pictures of the insects he remembers everything .Japanese scientist declare that the tranidon is a Rodan which had lived millions of years ago. They tried to destroy the monster but it flew away from its island home and took its mate with it . the to Rodans hit Japan and tore it up. Super sonic jets cant catch them. Rockets can not stop them. armored tanks ar helpless to them. even missiles are powerless to them. nothing can stop them.afilm made in 1956 staring Kenji Sahara , yumi shiakawa rodan the flying monster

Saturday, September 25, 2010

king kong

Carl Denham (Robert Armstrong) wants to make a movie about a giant gorilla named Kong. he hires captain Engelhorn(Frank Reicher) to take him to skull island the home of Kong and he finds a perfect girl named Ann Darrow (Fay Ray). soon they sail to Skull island but soon the natives capture Ann and try to sacrifice her to Kong but Kong falls in love with her and takes her in his hand but soon they find Ann and Kong is captured and taking back to civilisation ware he goes on a
rampage through New York looking for Ann. finding her he climbs the up the Empire state building.A film made in 1933 remade in 1976 and 2005 .Staring Fay Ray Robert Armstrong Bruce Cabot Frank Reicher King Kong.